Thursday, October 21, 2010

Do you seek Love?

When you go to a blog site, apart from the conscious intent to gather information; or to check on the latest buzz; or to give a shout out to a friend; there are other motives as to why you seek to establish a connection.  For some it is a way to fill "lonely" time; or to alleviate boredom; or it is a link-directed hit from a search engine; or possibly it is a recommendation, etc.  However, underlying  this conscious intent is another motivation buried in the subconscious mind:   The so-called  "hidden agenda". 

Today, I want to discuss the What and Why my blog is called: Love. Yourself. Well.  Three powerful "key" words that speak to a person on a deeply subconscious level.  

First, it may be said that everyone is seeking the feeling that creates the "honeyed" experience we think of as LOVE.  Remember your first taste of real, abiding love?  The excitement, the feeling that you could walk on air? The notion that this person has matched you on a level that your "gut" recognizes?  And in this moment you can just BE?

Next are the deeply intoxicating effect of kisses and warm hugs, soft words and special looks.  The magical moments never before experienced.  Soon, feelings of the nesting instinct begin to emerge for many, and, if the match is right, a family unit is born. 

So too, is another form of love that is deeply felt, and many times seems to be a "mystical event" beyond comprehension.  It is when you match energies with another person so comfortably that they become a friend.  A brother or sister of like heart and mind.  A person whom you can love forever because the connection is so right. 

Beneath the overt search for Love resides the soul's true motivation: Finding "complement" with significant others who will become companions on the trail ahead.  As love matures into new levels of expression, it becomes the "glue" that holds life intact when everyone else seems to have "left the building".  

As time moves on, love morphs into a kaleidoscope of  expression. Some superficial, some personal; some "other"  oriented; some directed toward nature; animals; the list is endless.  For others the call is toward the realm of "Agape" or Spiritual Love. This "holy grail" of transcendent love reflects one's inner consciousness and intent on many levels. 

In the Unconscious Mind resides the Soul's search for the "Divine Union". This highest expression of love guiding humanity is to seek it in others in order to achieve that sense of "complement" or completion.   Consider how your choice of companions "for the trail"reflect your inner awareness or ignorance of this task on the physical plane of reality.   "Matching Energies" creates a harmonic in all that you do.  It resonates outward and transforms your life.  

Why then, do so many people teeter on the see-saw of succeed, fail, succeed, fail, or hope to succeed, only to fail?  How does this reflect the individual self image?  Or self awareness?   Ideally, love is the mechanism of success.  Practically, what happened?

From birth throughout the totality of one's life, this conjoining of energies drives every sentient being in the Universe;  animal kingdoms as well.  The expression of love is what we were created to live.  So, what happened?

What do mean when you use the word LOVE? 

All That is, The One True Energy, or God, is the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient expression of what we all seek: Love.  To aspire to Love is to aspire to God.  Without Love holding all that exists together, where would we be?  What would happen if God judged humanity on behavior so poisonous and toxic that it was destroying all of life?   What if he decided to"pull the plug" and "un-love" His Creation?  Blink. It's gone.

How many times do you hear, I love (insert a celebrity, music, pizza, a location, etc.) You get the drift? Yet, what does that most powerful, meaningful word in the Universe mean in that context?  

Speaking a lie (negativity) to another such as: "I'd looove to spend more time with you, but I must blah, blah, blah", (hidden agenda: I can't spend/endure another moment with this person, etc.)?   Remember: "Energy follows Thought"  and that "Thoughts are Things"?  How does one reinforce "un-love" with commonplace actions such as these?  Negativity breeds negativity.  It poisons the soup.

The "keynote" of "self love" is essential to the ability to love others.   IF you love your Self , you reflect your truth outwardly through your reactions and actions.  Love demands expression in order to survive and thrive.  Love is KIND.

Consider, then, those who cannot love themselves because there is no Wellspring of Love within them for whatever reason.  I bet you can think of a dozen or more folks who fit this reality in your life.  Why are they so sour, so hateful, dysfunctional, miserable, angry, vindictive and worse?  

Another example: The online climate of hate and relentless attacks by people upon other people they don't even know from their secret hidey-holes of anonymity.  How senseless is that?  Why would anyone choose to waste energy and the precious little time allotted in life by filling mind, heart and soul with negativity through actions that harm themselves and others needlessly?  And then feast on it like maggots upon carrion?

Since the Christian Crusades to this very day, war, death, destruction, suffering on massive scale upon innocent people has been waged,  "In the name of God".  Oh, really?  

How does this "fly" with the TRUTH that God is Love? 

Personal metamorphosis is easily achieved by one conscious act:  CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR REALITY.

Or, simply put: CHANGE YOUR MIND.

The "magic" of this transformation is subtle and ongoing.  Because of this Truth:

The Subconscious Mind cannot discriminate between what is Real and What is Not Real.  Whatever the Conscious Mind feeds into it will be acted upon by the Subconscious Mind AS IF the content was Real.  

Negative "programming" is as Real as Positive "programming" to the Subconscious Mind.   Thoughts are Things that manifest through this "programming".  If you think negative, then that is what you will experience.  Conversely, positive thought generates positive outcomes.  Even when the effects are subtle - they are there.

Thus, the concept of this Blog is to reinforce the most powerful driving force in all species, and that is LOVE.

Secondly, the application of Love and all it's magic is directed toward reinforcing it within YOURSELF.  There is New Light in your life.  Your thinking, your self perception has changed. You begin the healing process that your Soul is demanding of you.  

As a consequence of New Thought,  your life journey is re-directed toward enriching your Soul's growth.  New levels of WELLNESS evolve through the ability to make decisions based upon your Inner Guiding Light:  Love.  You forgive and release the past.  Your present is Powerful.  Your future more than you could imagine.

Each trial, each lifetime, each hit or miss, each decision, each reaction, each action is all part of that message you are living; leaving behind; and taking with you when you evolve into Spirit. 
The Keys to your inner kingdom are these:  Love.  Yourself.  Well.  You'll never get there any other way, because negative energy is destructive, it "takes away" forward movement.  The Soul doesn't want to hear that.  Get a Move On.


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