Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Have you lost hope for finding answers to your prayers?

Good Morning Everyone: I am sitting here with an 8 weeks old little blond dude kitty purring as loudly as he can. As I hold this beloved little creature on my lap I am mindful of the blessings of life on every level of existence. He is gazing into my eyes and then, as he hears the racket of the keyboard while I am tapping away on it he turns his little head and watches my fingers doing their thing. 
Several years ago, my beloved blond cat MelloMan, who was with me for 14 years, suffered a terrible illness and died despite the most aggressive veterinary care available. MelloMan was very special to me, particularly so on the Spiritual level, and it was one of the most wrenching losses in my life. Since his death, I have prayed for another kitty with the type of personality, appearance and character of Mello's to take his place after he had time to rest from his ordeal and his spirit was ready to cross back over again to the "material plane" of existence. 
Two years later, this little guy shows up outside a local grocery store where an older couple was sitting with a box of kittens to be placed in new homes. As I was leaving the store, I stopped in my tracks, whipped my head around and saw this little blond guy and it was like experiencing a HUGE cosmic shove against my back that propelled me to walk over and look at the kittens. I picked him up and in that moment he looked up at me and - BOOM! I felt the connection. Instant love. There was no way I was going to let any one else have this little angel and so I brought him home.
Over the course of the last 3 weeks this little guy has filled my heart with the gentle sweetness of his personality and habits that are so similar to the original MelloMan, it simply knocks me out at times. Thus, he was named Mellie 2.0. As I read the wisdom thought for the day below, while gazing at him sleeping wrapped up in one of my flannel shirts, I was reminded of the power of love, prayer and, as Lissa says in her comment below, "...the power of communication and communion with All That Is". 
I hope that communion through your thoughts and prayers bring to each of you the essence of the wisdom that "Thoughts are Things" and "Energy Follows Thought". For, in this blessing of Mellie 2.0, I am reminded that the heart and mind is constantly refining the message of one's consciousness.  So, too, prayers are answered for those most meaningful to the Soul's growth in many powerful and oftentimes subtle ways. We may never really KNOW what or who the messenger may be, but, if our hearts and minds are open to receive, we DO get the message. 
So, today, as I read this beautiful wisdom of Kahlil Gibran, I am grateful, in the fullness of my joy that such a simple treasure as a kitten, could fill my heart with Abundance that transcends inanimate objects of so-called "greater value". Gold is available in the richness of sunrise, sunset, Autumn's glory, to name a few sources of eternal wealth. 
These gentle reminders feed the senses with transcendent communion and the promise of eternal life. So, too, does my little golden boy Mellie 2.0. I hope that my humble story can lighten your heart and your day with these thoughts from my consciousness to yours. Love, KAT  
Prayer "You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might also pray in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance." -Kahlil Gibran 
There is no "right way" to pray. There is no "right time" to pray. Prayer is an ongoing dialogue, a soul connection with spirit, a fusion of physics and metaphysics. Prayer is our expression of gratitude, despair, longing, appreciation. It is one means of communication and communion with All That Is. Sometimes we're praying and we don't even realize it. Our actions reflect our thoughts; our thoughts are prayers. What are we thinking? What are we doing about it? -Lissa Coffey 

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