Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Does negative self talk sabotage your success?

Yesterday evening I discovered my beloved little kitten Mellie 2.0 limping around and crying when I picked him up to examine his little front paw.  I checked him for fractures and bites, but couldn't find any overt sign of that type of injury. Mellie wouldn't eat or drink anything and sat in a hunched up posture which indicated he had injuries to his body as well as his front paw.

Loki, my naughty little kitty, is about 4 months older than Mellie.  He is a real "guy" who loves to rough house, climb trees and other feline interpretations of Johnny Depp's "Jack Sparrow" antics.  Mellie is game for trying those type stunts, but he is still a little guy of 8 weeks. With his short legs, and tiny baby claws, he hasn't the maturity to pull off stunts like Loki does such as climbing "masts" (tall trees) daring me to make him climb down.  Cat food usually does the trick.  My guess is that Mellie was playing copycat.

I spent all night watching over Mellie and feeding him pipettes of water and colostrum to keep him hydrated and support him nutritionally.  I placed him on one of my flannel shirts that he loves and carried him in a sling type of attitude, moving him only when necessary.

To say that I am distressed, given that this kitten is very meaningful to me on many levels, is an understatement.  Still, as a Professional Nurse (now retired) I do know what to do.  After listening to his heart, lungs and bowel sounds with my stethoscope, all were within normal limits.  I concluded by his guarding behavior that he has soft tissue injury and possibly some bruising in his legs.

He is alert and can hold his head up, so that is always a good sign.  His nose is cold and wet so I know that he is not febrile.  His abdomen is soft and normal to touch.

Of course, my "negative self talk" about failing to protect him from his childhood antics tortured me for a few hours, and when I realized it, I also found that it was "stopping down" my thinking, and causing self doubt, anxiety and feelings of helplessness.  D'uh!

Once I sifted through the mental debris of that realization, followed by research online and in the book "Cats Homeopathic Remedies", I went directly to my homeopathic remedy cabinet.  I started Mellie on a course of treatment with Homeopathic Silica and Arnica Montana.  According to the veterinarian's direction, I dissolved the required dosage in a tiny bit of water and placed it slowly in his little cheek so he would not aspirate the medication and compound his problem.  *1, *2

 Once Mellie was resting comfortably, my "mental inventory" clued me in on just  how easy it is to slide into a "favorite bad feeling" of hopelessness and helplessness followed by inertia.   My kick in the ass was a powerful mantra: "NOT on MY Watch"!
As I have watched Mellie sleep and to check on his welfare throughout today, my thoughts have turned from the personal to those confronting all of us.  It occurred to me that in today's world of financial, social, family, relationships, environmental battles of man and planet, the pressure upon each of us is like experiencing psychological "shock and awe", unable to grasp the magnitude of Chaos in our world today.  *3

 For myself, it has been challenging to keep balanced and positive faced with the media's toxicTsunami of negativity.  Little wonder we hammer ourselves into the ground with negative self talk.  It has become the "language of the day".  

Yet, I have learned through trial and error to morph Reaction into Action once I had a clue as to why I was sabotaging myself.

So today, as I have tended to the care of my beloved little kitten, It became clear that I was doing something transformational for myself.  I was using the power of love to CHALLENGE THE POSSIBLE.   My goal is for Mellie to get well.

From the wellspring of Love within you, healing, new beginnings emerge for you.  All is well.

Update:  Mellie just scarfed down some cat food with gravy, and then went back to sleep stretched out and purring. 

*1  I am aware too, that if Mellie requires professional veterinary care I have only a 10 minute drive to his office. We have a long, valuable relationship of working together using both traditional and homeopathic remedies for veterinary issues and he trusts me to make the appropriate call when indicated.
*2 FYI: Arnica Montana is a homeopathic remedy used by professional athletes and others for muscle bruising and other type of injuries.  I have used it myself for 40 years and it is wonderful.  Silica is a mineral found in every cell of the body and is essential to life.  It is a wonderful natural healer.

*3  Despite it all, billions of wonderful people exist all over the world focused upon survival, embracing moments of joy, and keeping faith.  Why not you?


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